As you may know, a big part of our brand is self-love and beauty inclusivity. We love to package our orders with personal self-love notes for each customer. To bring healing, trust, and inspiration. However, we thought about our beauties that never purchased with us, but are still a big part of our Marlies Beauty community or maybe even beauties that randomly stumbled upon our brand. We want to share our personal messages with you too! With our personal stories, testimony, quotes, self-love regimens, words of affirmations, and self-love routines. Marlies Beauty is a safe place; where beauty is unafraid to be herself! Where beauty is seen and experienced in so many unique ways. Where all voices will be heard. Where all shades, religion, and experiences matter!
2. A Personal Message from our CEO Marlie
Yes, I am a self-love junkie—I admit it! I've grown so much in my self-love journey that I wanted to pass on the knowledge that I've learned and experienced to other girls and women. So one day it hit me, start a blog! I didn't want to start just any blog but a blog where self-love exudes. I wanted to create a safe place where stories and experiences can be shared from all over the world! Likewise, I will be sharing my personal growth, stories, the ups & downs and how my self journey impacted me on creating my own brand. I believe my brand Marlies Beauty will not only be a brand but a self-love movement!
Many of these cosmetic brands sell you their products, you get glammed up, get a temporary ego boost, then repeat. Many of us even purchase these cosmetic products to become the face/spitting image of the person or influence. But my brand is more than just selling cosmetics! Marlies Beauty is when you get glammed up, come home and remember the girl underneath the make-up is still beautiful! Remember that you are more than just your reflection in the mirror. You are you and no one in this world can be you and that is your biggest superpower!
It's only going to get juicy from here, I can't wait to share my stories with you. However, we would love to hear your stories too! If you have a self-love experience/on a self-love journey, or anything you're willing to share with us. Chime in too sis but don't worry your name will be anonymous. Even your story may have a bigger impact than you may know!
To chime in email your stories marliesbeauty7@gmail.com.