FAQ 2.0

PageFly - Aug 09, 2024
What's Your Self-Love Level ?🧖🏽‍♀️💌

What's Your Self-Love Level ?🧖🏽‍♀️💌

Marlies Beauty - Apr 29, 2021
Learning To Love Myself

Learning To Love Myself

Self-love to me is digging deeper into the knowing of who you truly are. Accepting the flaws, and striping ourselves entirely of the beauty standards that were once programmed to us. If I can be raw for a moment beauties I’ve struggled with self-love for years because it was something that just wasn’t taught in my community growing up. Sometimes, people don’t realize the power of their words, and instilling those same words into the mind. For example, if you took positive words and stamp those words into your mind. Your life will start to manifest differently; you will start to attract positive things and people around you. Some might call this law of attraction, others might call it the power of the tongue.In essence, not hearing powerful words of affirmation oftentimes as a young child such as, you are beautiful, you are kind, you will be great. I grew...
Marlies Beauty - Apr 26, 2021
Today’s Self love Note & Regimen

Today’s Self love Note & Regimen

 Self Love Note ♡ Your feelings are valid ! ♡ You are allowed to enforce your boundaries ! ♡ You do not need anyone else's approval ! ♡ You are capable of amazing things ! ♡ You are enough! Never be afraid to speak up, & doing what's best for you! Your time and boundaries are precious.  For The Mind  1. Re-read your favorite book 2. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers today 3. Write yourself a love letter  4. Subconsciously recite " I am beautiful"  For The Body 5. Drink water today  6. Have a pamper session, mani/pedi, yes please! 7. Nourish your body with healthy cooked meals 8. Practice your skincare Regimen  9. Take a long relaxing bubble bath    For The Soul 10. Smile 11. Slow down and become present 12. Make a list of 10 things you love about yourself  13. Recite these words: " I am beautiful, I am...
Marlies Beauty - Apr 21, 2021
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Its Time To Fill Up On You're Self Love Supply!

FAQ 2.0

Aug 09, 2024
What's Your Self-Love Level ?🧖🏽‍♀️💌
Its Time To Fill Up On You're Self Love Supply!

What's Your Self-Love Level ?🧖🏽‍♀️💌

Apr 29, 2021
Learning To Love Myself
Its Time To Fill Up On You're Self Love Supply!

Learning To Love Myself

Self-love to me is digging deeper into the knowing of who you truly are. Accepting the flaws, and...
Apr 26, 2021
Today’s Self love Note & Regimen
Its Time To Fill Up On You're Self Love Supply!

Today’s Self love Note & Regimen

 Self Love Note ♡ Your feelings are valid ! ♡ You are allowed to enforce your boundaries ! ♡ You do...
Apr 21, 2021